
kgdb and 64bit loongson kernel

The kernel crashed at last. But it didn't drop into gdb. I have set up a breakpoint at panic(), so it is not a panic. My speculation proved wrong, and I have no idea what went wrong here. I will give up for the time being. Gotta read some books and help to make the 32bit loongson port stable.

gorg on loongson box

I have successfully run gorg on my loongson box. Find more info about gorg here: more info about loongson here:


最近在玩kgdb 似乎人们对于kgdb的热情不高 现在sf.net上cvs里的kgdb只能打在2.6.17内核上 目前的龙芯用的是2.6.18.1,好在要改动的地方不是很多,也不难 kgdb管理补丁用的是quilt,稍微看看man就明白了,用起来很方便 其实vanilla里也有一个kgdb选项,但实际上似乎是不能用的,连个断点都设置不了 之前我编的内核有两个问题,一个是网络传输速度慢,scp的时候经常断,如果用debian,速度恒定保持在2.x M/s,一个是字符界面在显示器上显示不出,显示器报告超出范围,debian里正常。我之前用的是从dev.lemote.com里checkout出来的内核代码里面自带的配置文件,稍做了改动。后来我用了debian的/proc/config.gz,就好了。可是我对比两个config也没看出有什么差异可以导致这两个问题。目前还是一个谜。 最后玩kgdb光靠串口来控制还是不行,现在continue之后,gdb里显示到free多少多少memory之后,就没有任何信息了,但是在显示器上可以看到实际上已经成功启动了。 kgdb真的很爽,如果想让目标机器的内核停止运行,并等待被开发机器上的gdb连接和控制,只需要在开发机器上执行 echo -e "\003" > /dev/ttyS1

gentoo's mips toolchain

Gentoo's mips64el toolchain(created by 'crossdev') support n32 by default. However, I want o32. Good news is I don't need mips64el, instead I need mipsel. Thanks to spbecker for pointing it out to me. I think mips64 here is the name of processor architecture. Apparently loongson doesn't belong to that category.

按音序排序的utf8和gb18030 locale 下载后,解压缩 cd locale-pinyin-0.1 make sudo cp zh_CN.hacked /usr/share/i18n/locales/zh_CN sudo cp iso14651_t1.pinyin /usr/share/i18n/locales/ locale-gen 修改/etc/env.d/xxi18n,如果LANG不是zh_CN.utf8,一定要单独设定LC_COLLATE  $ cat /etc/env.d/100i18n LANGUAGE=en_US LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.utf8 LC_COLLATE=zh_CN.utf8 LANG=en_US.utf8

the difference between GB18030 charmap of redhat's glibc and that of GNU's glibc

GB18030 charmap of redhat's glibc is different from that of GNU's glibc. I don't know exactly what this difference means to users. But I wonder why this difference exists. Get the former at Get the latter at I've created a diff which could be get here:

be careful when you are on #paludis

In my opinion, a good community should treat new comers well. But some people think otherwise. (zhllg) i think many people like the idea installation could resume automatically when failure occur, is it possible with paludis? (mlangc) zhllg:  mlangc maskd masterdriverz maxauthority midnite__ mzli  mlangc maskd masterdriverz maxauthority midnite__ mzli (zhllg) mlangc, i've seen that actually, just wonder why, is it difficult to implement technically? (mlangc) i don't think so; as far as i know it is not implemented by __design__ - but you should better ask someone that actually works on paludis; i'm a simple user myself (rbrown`) zhllg: er no. Too unreliable, too flaky and far too widely abused; (zlin) zhllg: wouldn't it be much better to fix the packages that cause it to fail in the first place... (zhllg) zlin, yeah, from a developer's perspective * dleverto

Interest and Open source

One of the great things about open source software is, of course, the fact that anyone can participate, so the pool of resources is limited not by an annual hiring budget, but by interest in the project. That means you can have any number of developers, but it also means that one person may be involved in several areas if he or she finds them interesting.


知道原因了 handbook-x86.xml本身没有问题 不过有一个它指向的文件,里面缺了个</p> 而且使用了非utf-8编码 ... 怪我之前没说 检查语法错误,可以用 xmllint -valid -noout filename.xml


什么是gorg? 首先是,我终于可以运行独立的gorg服务器了。 neysx给了我一个提示: TW, you do not need to use the stand-alone web server, but if you want to, it seems something changed in webrick (ruby's www server) and the default bound address ( ) does not work anymore. Edit www.rb and add the :BindAddress param: s = :BindAddress => " ", :AccessLog=>access_log, :Logger => $Log, :Port => $Config["port"], :CGIPathEnv => ENV["GORG_CONF"]) 其次,我发现 http://localhost/doc/en/handbook/2006.1/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=5 这样的连接打不开,也就是后面带&chap=5的 后来发现和libxml2和libxslt的版本有关,分别降到2.6.26和1.1.17,就行了 但问题根源应该在于一些xsl不够规范 现在,还剩一个问题 http://localhost/doc/zh_cn/handbook/2006.1/handbook-x86.xml 这个文件打不开 但是除了x86以外的其他handbook,都没有问题 把它放到上级目录也没有问题 错误的提示是sections tag不全,但这个文件里又没有sections这个tag


If your mp3's id3 tag conforms to id3v2.4, which means probably you have disabled chardet, then pay attention to your fallback encoding setting, leave it alone, don't set it. trust me!

the default brower of xchat 2.8

The logic to find default brower is changed from xchat 2.6.8 to 2.8. The 2.8 xchat will call xdg-open to open brower, in KDE, xdg-open will call konqueror unless you have set KDE's default brower to others. I like firefox, and older version of xchat used to call firefox for me. So I set KDE's default brower in kcontrol: KDE components-> Component chooser -> Web brower.


alpha(audacious-1.3.0-alpha1)的东西就放到~x86里 upstream maintainer和ebuild maintainer为同一个人看来是有些问题…… 而且本来好好的东西偏偏要胡乱改 这个audacious/strings.c文件里,本来str_to_utf8()函数里的顺序是对的 也就是先判断是否已经为utf8,如果是,则马上返回。 结果现在先做的不是这个判断,结果,已经是utf8的还要再转码,就成了乱码……