In my opinion, a good community should treat new comers well. But some people think otherwise. (zhllg) i think many people like the idea installation could resume automatically when failure occur, is it possible with paludis? (mlangc) zhllg: mlangc maskd masterdriverz maxauthority midnite__ mzli mlangc maskd masterdriverz maxauthority midnite__ mzli (zhllg) mlangc, i've seen that actually, just wonder why, is it difficult to implement technically? (mlangc) i don't think so; as far as i know it is not implemented by __design__ - but you should better ask someone that actually works on paludis; i'm a simple user myself (rbrown`) zhllg: er no. Too unreliable, too flaky and far too widely abused; (zlin) zhllg: wouldn't it be much better to fix the packages that cause it to fail in the first place... (zhllg) zlin, yeah, from a developer's perspective *...