
open...: Economistical with the Truth

open...: Economistical with the Truth

[Life]RMS and Me

It's like a dream. "RMS will give a speech at Hong Kong Chinese University next monday!" I heard of this last friday. And today, I met my idol. Really like a dream. Never imagined that before. I asked him whether he still supervise the development of Hurd/L4 and what his thought of Hurd's perspective is. He said he no longer supervise it and seems that he didn't even care about it's future. He said, "anyway we have a working operating system now." I think when he said these words, he must be very proud. It is him who started the free software campaign, and the followers will carry it on and on..........

[I18N]environment variable priority

In which language will your application's interface will be displayed? It depends on the following environment variables with decreasing priority: LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC_xxx LANG PS: another environment variable related to I18N is "LINGUAS". Its value is a space separated list of language code, e.g. "en", "zh_CN". When building an application, this value determines which locale's mo file will be built.

[Kernel] Suspend2 add a member to struct kthread_create_info

As a consequence, all functions related to it now have a new parameter-freezer_flag, as shown in the source code(include header files) I discovered this when emerging ipw2200 this morning. I failed to emerge it at first. I am using 2.6.11-nitro0 which was patched with suspend2. However I don't have it compiled in the kernel. In ipw2200.c, there is a conditional compilation. It will check whether your kernel configuration file has CONFIG_SOFTWARE_SUSPEND2 defined. If yes, it will use with-freezer_flag version of create_workqueue(). Otherwise, it use the vanilla version, ie. the one without freezer_flag. Apparently, now my kernel configuration file don't have CONFIG_SOFTWARE_SUSPEND2 defined. So when compiling ipw2200.c, the vallia version of create_workqueue() will be used. However header file "include/linux/workqueue.h" is now patched, so gcc will not find the vanilla version of create_workqueue() in it. That's why the compilation would fail. The solution is easy,

[Apps] wget using http proxy

$ export http_proxy="" $ wget whatever the environment variable " http_proxy " should be in lower case

[Life] 写Windows程序?

Maybe it could be a chance Prepare for battle!!!

[Soccer] 中国青年队胜乌克兰

跌宕起伏,一波三折 最终我们赢了! 爽!看中国足球多少年没有这么爽! 以往中国队的队员根本不敢拿球突破,不求有功,但求无过,连去年在小西湾打香港队也是如此。 但是这届中青队一扫中国队员给人的传统印象,敢突敢带,对方要靠频频犯规来阻断中国队的进攻。前场队员也能拿得住球,进攻组织的起来。这分明具备了强队的潜质。颇具我踢实况的风格,哈哈! 牛比!最好都留洋,一个也不要回来!!!