
prelink's segfault problem

The latest prelink in current portage has a problem. That is it segfaults if you run it with -q option. This patch fixed the problem. Thanks to Martin von Gagern.

bayonne VS. asterisk

Asterisk is better? I haven't touched asterisk. So I have nothing to say about it. However, I am looking at bayonne . I have contributed some patches to bayonne and I am taking care of bayonne2's ebuild in gentoo-voip overlay. So I know there are something that need to be improved in bayonne, for example the documentation.

Flash player 9 for Linux I have tried it on My firefox was crashed on the first try. After that, it works well.

FREE international call

Use your regular phone to make local/international call.

Hans Reiser accused of murder Sigh!

SUSE's pronunciation Sounds like suser

Buffer Overflow in NVIDIA Binary Graphics Driver For Linux (with exploit) It's a pity that I don't have a nvida card to try the exploit. :) I am so admire those who could create an exploit all on his own. It requires a lot of skill. A famous Chinese Poet Lu You (陆游) from Song Dynasty has once said, if you do want to learn poem, you should learn beyond poem (汝果欲学诗,功夫在诗外). Take this exploit as an example, I myself know little on Xlib programming, so although I have some basic idea on shellcode/exploitation, it's still impossilbe for me to write an exploit of nvidia driver at this moment.