UPDATE: The build failed because of gcc's multislot USE flag(seed stage has it while catalyst can't set USE for stage3). I was on a trip so there is actually no progress for the last 5 days. Sorry. I have worked around it. Now rebuilding. First, sudo gainroot. Then run the following two commands: /home/user # gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/key_labels -t list --list-type=string '[Tab,Esc,~,`,|,>, /home/user # gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/keys -t list --list-type=string "[Tab,Escape,asciitilde,grave,bar,greater,less]" Then restart your xterm, you will see the bottom bar looks like the one showing in the following picture: This picture shows that I am building new stage3 for Loongson 2F, N32 ABI, ;)