How exactly is XRP going to work as a bridging digital asset?
Maybe this is obvious all along to some people. Anyway, I just figured this out. So I thought maybe it's worth sharing. Previously I thought the bridging consists of two transactions, both on XRP ledger. One from fiat currency A IOU to XRP, the other from XRP to fiat currency B IOU. Then I saw this: So Miguel Vias said in the pilot they used liquidity on bitstamp and bitso. However it's seems the trading volume of XRP/bitso.MXN since the beginning of 2017 is so low that it's virtually no liquidity there. See this: Then I realized, just like bitstamp, bitso has its own exchange and the liquidity there is much better. So now it's clear to me there is another way for XRP to bridge cross-border paym...