
Gentoo 2006.1 x86/amd64手册全部完成 进度表:



这个系列讲座将讲解一些Linux发行版和BSD的包管理器的特点和使用方法 现在定下来的有3个 分别是NetBSD,OpenBSD和Gentoo 其中Gentoo portage将由我讲解 时间最早在5月初


我昨天才知道这个is-a-geek.org域名是www.dyndns.com的动态域名服务提供的。 所以我迫不及待的注册了一个。 这台机器是我的龙芯盒子(loongson box),里面内容是gentoo手册的镜像,简体中文版(预览版) What is a geek? A geek is an individual who is fascinated by knowledge and imagination, usually electronic or virtual in nature. -- from

LWN quote of the week

But being a subsystem maintainer requires that you trust contributors to some degree, and you just can't trust contributors when you're a perfectionist. This means that the maintainer should be less of a perfectionist than the contributors, otherwise he/she ends up doing everything by him/herself. -- Jean Delvare "Ends up doing everything by him/herself"!


继续进行…… 下面是其他架构文档的翻译 任务认领中 我知道现在各个语言的文档都在翻译2007.0对应的文档 不过毕竟我们已经开始了2006.1的,现在还没完,理应先完成它 握有po这个武器,不用担心努力白费


要说两句,不说会憋出问题的。 首先,和Gentoo Weekly Newsletter翻译一样,Gentoo文档的翻译也还在继续。不过我最近捣鼓龙芯比较多,GWN和文档上花的时间不是很多。 目前文档翻译的过程是这样,我分配,然后翻译团队成员翻译,完了交给我,再交给审校人员审校。最后发表前,我还会再看一遍。每一篇文档,我都会做最后的把关,清除所有可能残留的错误。 有些错误甚至是语义上的错误。这是确实存在的,是令我比较郁闷的地方。所以每篇文章在我没看过一遍之前,我不敢就这么直接放到网上。而这会花很多时间。所以事实上有一些已经完成审校的文档积压在我这里,还没有发布。我的错,之后我会给文档更多一点时间。 之前的翻译模式有一个问题是不够透明,最好都发到gentoo-china邮件列表里。 就事论事,举个例子: The <c>video</c> statement controls framebuffer display options. It needs to be given the framebuffer driver (<c>vesafb</c> for 2.6 kernels, or <c>vesa</c> for 2.4 kernels) followed by the control statements you wish to enable. 审校后的文章里这句话译为: <c>video</c>声明用来控制framebuffer的显示参数。在你想启用的控制声明后必须给予framebuffer驱动(2.6内核使用<c>vesafa</c>,2.4使用<c>vesa</c>)。 这第二句完全没有表达出原文的意思,而且vesafb误写为了vesafa。当然人非圣贤,马有失蹄,但是遇到后面这种比较低级的失误,还是令人比较郁闷。我改动后,如下: <c>video</c>参数用来控制framebuffer的显示参数。此参数的内容形式是首先给出framebuffer驱动的名称(2.6内核使用<c>vesafb</c>,2.4使用<c>vesa</c>),后面跟着的

loongson patch against linux 2.6.21-rc5

Foxsen(Zhang Fuxin, 张福新) has released a patch against linux 2.6.21-rc5. I have tried it today. It works well so far. My gentoo on loongson still have two minor problems, related to audio and video playback respectively. First of all, please be aware that none of these programs I used to play audio and video has any loongson specific patch. loongson has implemented its own multimedia instructions. So theoretically if properly patched, the performance will be better. On the audio side, audacious doesn't perform well when the frequency is low, while mplayer works fine. Maybe it's because they use difference libraries. On the video side, when mplayer plays some mpeg2 or divx video, video will fall behind audio, especially when the video's resolution is high. Last but not least, I heard some devs talked about loongson's profile on #gentoo-mips. It is widely accepted that it is not necessary to have a specific profile for loongson. Well, I am not insisting that we should have

loongson specific profile

If loongson finally were officially supported by gentoo, it must have its own profile. Currently, it uses cobalt's profile. Of course, one has to do some dirty hacks to make it usable with loongson. For example, cheat portage to make it think colo is already installed. Loongson box uses pmon as bios and bootloader, doesn't use colo which is cobalt's bootloader. Recently, I have read PMS draft. For me, it is quite informative. I've learned some internals about our package manager, specifically I've learned something about profile which i don't know before. Then I applied those knowledge into reality. I created a loongson specific profile in loongson overlay and used it. The main trick here is to write absolute path of parent directory into PARENT file, instead of "..". And it turned out to work well.

Loongson got license from MIPS Technologies How exciting!!!

Loongson Gentoo stage 4

I have uploaded a stage4 to, under the directory of Gentoo. FEATURES include but not limited to: 1. nptl pthread library, the debian shipped with box uses Linuxthreads pthread library. 2. complete KDE 3.5.5 3. 4 kernels, 32bit/64bit, with/without kgdb 4. partial mirror of, include half-translated Simplifid Chinese handbook 5. firefox, mplayer, audacious... I used binutils-2.17 when compiling firefox, USE flag of binutils is "multislot -multitarget nls -test -vanilla" This mplayer doesn't contain any loongson specific patch, but it works.

Gentoo 2007.0 livecd will have Simplified Chinese interface

The relevant thread on Gentoo China google group


想法是把盒子改造成下载器兼播放器,盒子有tvout,直接接电视上放 我的笔记本就不需要拿来拿去了,也不用进windows了 mldonkey的好处是,我在笔记本点连接,就可以直接调用盒子上的mldonkey来下载 不过要移植ocaml ocaml是一种编程语言 目前只支持IRIX和n32 ABI 现在龙芯还只能运行于Linux,Linux上的应用程序主要还是用o32 ABI 参考Redhatter曾经说过的: The problem with n32 though, is that few applications actually handle this case well. Debugging tools like strace and gdb are not coded to handle this... KDE works sort-of, but is broken in several key areas. Gnome is totally useless on n32. 两个解决方案,一个是multilib,一个是移植到o32 ABI。似乎都不太容易。 如果multilib,如spb所说的: you'll need your userland CHOST set to mips64 instead of mips, a gcc and binutils capable of handling all the binary formats you want to use, and appropriate system libraries for all the ABIs 不过Redhatter又说过: The optimal solution would be multilib, however the necessary code for Portage has not been written. Architectures like AMD64 work because of shear ugly kludges ... the actual multilib case isn't handled at all. 如果要移植,至少需要做两件事(可能还有其他的,我还没有发现) 一是增加一个汇编文件mipsel.s(SGI的mips是