MIPS N32 firefox 3.5 beta4

It is working too. The xulrunner's ebuild is already in loongson overlay. For the mozilla-firefox ebuild, just use the one from mozilla overlay.

If you experienced segfault, try to re-emerge sqlite with no optimization. Using the bundled sqlite surely is not an optimal solution, ;)

One more thing: Xorg's siliconmotion driver is now working on yeeloong notebook: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21528


Anonymous said…
Nicely done :-)

Why on earth haven't we got you on the MIPS & Mozilla teams? We could use your expertise.

I haven't yet gotten around to porting Gentoo to the Yeeloong... I'm just running Debian with a custom kernel for now (have Gentoo in a chroot though) since I have limited time... but that is on the big TODO list for after I finish exams this semester.
r0bertz said…
Yeah, take your time. BTW, I haven't answered ebuild quiz yet. Lazy, :P. I will do that soon, probably after fixing a few more problems on loongson.
Anonymous said…
Nice blog. Thank you for information!

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