What does a Linux newbie need to know to successfully install Gentoo?

According to Ted http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-doc/msg_01439.xml
- What is GNU?
- What are the main parts of an operating system and what does each part do?
- What is a GNU/Linux distribution?
- What is VMware?
- What is a .iso file?
- What does the ifconfig program do?
- What does the ping command do?
- What is a file?
- What is a filesystem?
- What is a hierarchal filesystem?
- What is a directory?
- What does the cd command do?
- What does the pwd command do?
- What does the ls command do?
- What does the -l option do when passed to the ls command?
- What is a symbolic link?
- In an ls long listing, how does one know which entries are files, directories
and links?
- What is the purpose of the /mnt directory?
- What is a path?
- What is a path separator?
- What is contained in the /bin directory?
- What does the "more" command do?
- What does a "pipe" do and what is its symbol?
- What does the -a option do when passed to the ls command?
- What is the purpose of the /proc directory?
- What is the purpose of the /etc directory?
- What is the purpose of the /home directory?
- What is abstraction and why is it useful?
- What is an interface and how is an interface related to abstraction?
- What is a block device?
- What is a character device?
- What is the purpose of the /dev directory?
- What does partitioning a hard drive do to it?
- What did we use the hda1 partition for?
- What did we use the hda2 partition for?
- What did we use the hda3 partition for?
- What is a hard drive cylinder?
- What "type code" is given to Linux partitions?
- What is the main difference between the Ext2 filesystem and the Ext3
- What command is used to place the Ext2 filesystem on a partition?
- What is the purpose of a swap partition?
- Where did we mount the /dev/hda3 partition in the CD's directory hierarchy?
- Where did we mount the /dev/hda1 partition in the CD's directory hierarchy?
- What command is used to set the motherboard's clock chip?
- What does the .tar file extension mean?
- What does the .bz2 file extension mean?
- What does it mean when a file has a .tar.bz2 extension?
- What does the wget command do?
- What is a message digest?
- What command did we use to determine the MD5 message digest for a file.
- Why are message digests used with large download files on the Internet?
- What is contained in a Gentoo stage3 file?
- What does the tar command's 'j' option mean?
- What is the portage tree?
- Where is the portage tree in the directory hierarchy?
- List 3 packages that are in the games-mud category in the portage tree.
- What is the difference between the / top-level root directory and the /root
- What does the chroot command do?
- What does DHCP do?
- How can you tell how long your computer has been running?
- What is a dumb terminal and why are they called 'dumb'?
- What is a teletype?
- What is a shell?
- What is a terminal emulator and why were they invented?
- How do you switch between virtual terminals in Gentoo linux?
- What is a shell environment variable?
- Which environment variable holds the command line prompt configuration?
- Which command is used to change a shell's environment variables?
- What keys need to be pressed to save a file in the nano text editor?
- What keys need to be pressed to exit the nano text editor?
- If you are on a Linux system, and you want to obtain information about what a
command does, how can you do this from the command line?
- What is ASCII?
- What is the decimal ASCII number for a capital letter 'A'?
- What are USE flags used for?
- What does the 'less' command do that the 'more' command cannot do?
- What 2 files contain descriptions of the USE flags and where are these files
located in the directory hierarchy?
- Into which file are USE flags placed so that they can be seen by portage?
- Which directory holds the timezone information for all of the world's
- Which package was emerged that contained the Linux source code?
- What command runs the kernel configuration utility program?
- What does the lspci command do?
- What is a kernel module?
- What is the difference between arrow braces <> and square braces [] in the
menuconfig program?
- In the menuconfig program, how does one exit from the current menu?
- What effect does placing a period in front of a filename have?
- What is the filename of the file that the menuconfig program saves the kernel
configuration in?
- When the kernel is compiled, what is the name of the file that is created and
where is it located?
- What is the purpose of the fstab file?
- What is a system service?
- What does the syslog-ng service do?
- What is grub?
- What command creates a user account?
- What is the command that sets a password?


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