
Simplified Chinese Gentoo Handbook all finished!

Synced with English version. Take a look: Progress: BTW, this website is powered by my loongson machine, ;)

More on mldonkey and loongson

My little patch to mldonkey's Makefile donesn't satisfy mldonkey developer. I didn't come up with a better solution. So I resorted to modify mldonkey's ebuild. Maybe not so elegant, but it works, at least for me. I added the following snippet to src_install(): EXE="mlnet mld_hash get_range copysources make_torrent subconv" if [ -f mlnet.byte ]; then for i in $EXE; do mv $i.byte $i done fi dobin $EXE || die "dobin failed" The ebuild could found here: This overlay is independent from the one on, although the latter was actually registered by me. Because I can't access's svn repository, probably due to network problem. So I just maintain this overlay locally, using git. To get it, run: git-clone BTW, I have just registered a domain name: I will make it theportal site

Mldonkey can work on Loongson

In short, ocaml doesn't have native code compiler for mips linux, but it can compile byte code which is also an ELF executable. The only difference is that bytecode runs slower than native code. But there is a little problem with mldoney's Makefile. I will try to make a patch to solve the problem. PS: maybe i misunderstood something. I found that mlnet.byte can't run on its own, it needs bytecode file. PPS: I found the mlnet.byte i have installed into /usr/bin is not the right one. PPPS: it is the right one, but gentoo stripped it, haha, now it works, finally! The following is a conversation happened on #mldonkey @ freenode (r0bertz) what is the difference between mlnet and mlnet.byte * lb001_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) * lb001_ (i=irc@gateway/tor/x-f2c1251672831851) has joined #mldonkey (jave) r0bertz: mlnet.byte is byte compiled (jave) you will normaly use plain ml

Misunderstanding of free in free software

I bought a digital product magazine this afternoon. It is called e-zone. It is issue 464, released on July 05 2007. This magazine is the No.1 computer/digital product magazine in Hong Kong. There is an article talked about GPLv3 in this issue. However, they translate "free software foundation" as "免费软件基金会"(gratis software foundation). This is an unacceptable mistake. Free here means freedom, not gratis. I've already send them an email. I hope they can fix it immediately.

my patch to strace was accepted This is a mips related patch. I made this patch when I porting Gentoo to loongson. -- Zhang Le, Robert

How to use trads.rb to manage translations and generate a Lead Translator's page gotta read this this will help me to generate a beautiful page showing the status of translation. Our current status page is beautiful too, but it is missing some functions, e.g. the diff between the latest translated en doc and the latest en doc. The script in the above mentioned doc could do this. Wonderful! The result could be seen at However, this script only works with gorg. That means is no longer a suitable place to hold the status page (which is known as progress.xml currently)

RMS: Why Upgrade to GPL Version 3

What does a Linux newbie need to know to successfully install Gentoo?

According to Ted - What is GNU? - What are the main parts of an operating system and what does each part do? - What is a GNU/Linux distribution? - What is VMware? - What is a .iso file? - What does the ifconfig program do? - What does the ping command do? - What is a file? - What is a filesystem? - What is a hierarchal filesystem? - What is a directory? - What does the cd command do? - What does the pwd command do? - What does the ls command do? - What does the -l option do when passed to the ls command? - What is a symbolic link? - In an ls long listing, how does one know which entries are files, directories and links? - What is the purpose of the /mnt directory? - What is a path? - What is a path separator? - What is contained in the /bin directory? - What does the "more" command do? - What does a "pipe" do and what is its symbol? - What does the -a option do when passed to the ls command? - What is the purpose o


首先,说明一下我准备把 加入 gentoo planet。 那样意味着以后r0bertz.blogspot.com上所有的文章都将用英文来写,专注于技术相关的话题。 鉴于我们伟大的防火长城间歇性的屏蔽blogspot,建议使用抓虾、google reader等来订阅这个blog。 zhllg.spaces.msn.com就用来写一些非技术话题,用中文写。 给zhlly说声抱歉,zhllg.livejournal.com我要回来也没有怎么好好利用。不过我还没有归还的打算。问题的关键在于,我不想让别人误解我转投了fedora core的阵营,;) 刚刚写了个脚本来更新handbook翻译进度表 如果发现英文版有了新版本,就更新表格中英文版的版本和日期,并且把进度改成W,完成期限置空 我的xml技术了解不是很深,这样处理xml,似乎很不专业 就当抛砖引玉了 getdate() { grep Header $1 | egrep -o '200[0-9]/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}' } getver() { grep Header $1 | egrep -o 'v [0-9]+\.[0-9]+' } PREFIX=/home/zhangle/gentoo/xml/htdocs/ for i in `grep -o '/doc/en/handbook/.*\.xml' progress.xml` do olddate=$(grep -A 1 $i progress.xml | egrep -o 200[0-9]/[0-9]\{2\}/[0-9]\{2\}) newdate=$(getdate $PREFIX$i) if [[ $olddate != $newdate ]]; then j=${i//\//\\\/} sed -i -e " /$j/ { N N s#$i.*\n <ti>200[0-9]/[0-9]\{2\}/[0-9]\{2\}#$i\">$(getver $PREFIX$i)</ur


终于我跻身Gentoo开发者的行列了 首先有一件要宣布的事是,我改nick了 r0bertz 来到香港后,我的英文名一直叫Robert,原因是叫罗伯特的球星很多 Z就是Zhang的第一个字母 改的原因是 zhllg 不好发音 我的@gentoo.org的邮箱就是r0bertz 等到6个月后,我就可以成mentor了,也就是导师,就可以直接带更多同胞进gentoo了,;) Gentoo是什么? The Gentoo Linux operating system ( pronounced /ˈdʒɛntu/ ) is a Linux distribution named after the Gentoo penguin . It is designed to be modular , portable , easy to maintain, flexible, and optimized for the user's machine. All tools and utilities are built from source code .


翻译了有不少时间了,第一次 具体说了什么,就不透露了 他其实也是有些不了解情况 不过事件本身说明一个问题 那就是很多中国的技术领域的英文"高手"从不看翻译的东西 之前包括我自己也是这样 原因在于:觉得翻译的东西靠不住 我参与翻译gentoo文档,目的之一就是想改变人们的这一印象,创出牌子来 让人们知道gentoo的中文文档是有质量保证的 不光准确翻译出意思,而且力求通顺流畅,"像"中文文章 当然和很多开源项目一样,最终要达到目的需要很多人的参与,包括译者的初始成果、读者的反馈和维护者迅速的反应。 最重要的还是初始成果,虽然难免错误,但一定要给读者以信心。这正是我们正在做的。


我今天偶然发现了针对龙芯的mplayer源代码 我之前提到过如果没有打龙芯补丁的mplayer播放一些文件时会出现音话不同步,除非降低分辨率 我也在lemote论坛上向龙梦的人要过补丁 不过没有回音,可能照看那个版面的人不多 我现在在家里,龙芯盒子没带回来 等我回去再试一试

感谢龙梦 因为在移植Gentoo到龙芯方面的努力,得到了龙梦组织的贡献评比的一等奖。 这意味着,我手上这台龙芯盒子就相当于赠送给我的了,以后对于龙梦的新产品还有优先购买权。 感谢龙梦,这是对我过去一个多月所做的事情的肯定! 当然这还仅仅是开始。 对于MIPS我还是新手,要学习的还有很多。 Gentoo loongson overlay我还会继续维护。 BTW:今天我做了个cgi页面,可实时查看我的龙芯盒子的系统信息: 还有Acevery贡献了一篇锐捷认证上网的HOWTO:锐捷认证